Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Training Phase 1

I haven't written on the blog for a while but have been busy hitting the gym. The first phase of my training is now over. I have been putting on weight in preparation for the run, building my legs and upper body. After a first trainning marathon carrying 10kg on my back, I realised the weight would be an issue. After 8 miles my legs were like lead and my energy level crashed. So lots of prep is still needed to ensure Im robust enough to carry that sort of weight through the desert terrain.

The trainning runs with 10kg backpacks are less of a problem now, but i really think in these last five weeks all runs should simulate as much as possible the conditions on the day. I also prepared for the heat as much as I can during a very cold English winter by wearing crazy amounts of clothing, its a feeble attempt to do some heat training but its cheaper than flying to Africa..

So phase 1 was basically strength building, short but high intensity runs and a couple of marathons. This week-end we are planning our first very long run, around 50km.

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