Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Post from the wife of a crazy runner

I could have named this post "they never run alone"... and I don't think it would only apply to Adrian and James.

Training for an ultra-marathon is so demanding, no runner involved in such a race would be able to do it properly without a good support from his/her spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, or familly. In my case, being the wife of a crazy runner is a 24h job! Not only have I learned a lot about sport nutrition, I have taken upon myself to manage our couple life as my dear hubby spends his evenings and week-end at the gym or on the run. I learned about sport kit, got involved in sponsoring and the whole logistic of the run (things like checking his passeport is still valid for example!)... And I must admit I kind of like it!
Anyway, if you plan to enter a mega race and are involved in a relationship, just a few pointer of the things your partner will go through:
  • Eating at stupid hours to match your hectic training schedule OR eating on his/her own
  • Eating more carbohydrate than necessary as she/he will be cooking for an athlete... so very likely to put on few pounds in the process
  • Stoping the booze out of solidarity and missing it greatly on lonely evenings in front of the Telly
  • Knowing more about Powerbar benefits than about the latest movie/fashion/music thanks to your new passionating discussions
  • Worrying (a lot) as to whether or not you will come back home with all you toe-nails and your kidneys still working
  • Feeling slightly worthless when completing his/her sunday jogging knowing you'll be running 30 miles with 10kg on your back as a simple training session
  • Having to manage finance, shopping, cleaning, ironing on his/her own as you'll be either at work, at the gym or in bed.
Knowing is always best... so when one evening your partner is slightly ungrateful because you came back home at 10pm wet and stinky, just remember she/he is also your training partner in more than one way.

It is such a challenge, I am very proud of my boy and I'll do anything to help him for the 24h Namibian run... as long as he does the washing-up when he comes back!

Fanny, the wife of a crazy runner.

Training Phase 1

I haven't written on the blog for a while but have been busy hitting the gym. The first phase of my training is now over. I have been putting on weight in preparation for the run, building my legs and upper body. After a first trainning marathon carrying 10kg on my back, I realised the weight would be an issue. After 8 miles my legs were like lead and my energy level crashed. So lots of prep is still needed to ensure Im robust enough to carry that sort of weight through the desert terrain.

The trainning runs with 10kg backpacks are less of a problem now, but i really think in these last five weeks all runs should simulate as much as possible the conditions on the day. I also prepared for the heat as much as I can during a very cold English winter by wearing crazy amounts of clothing, its a feeble attempt to do some heat training but its cheaper than flying to Africa..

So phase 1 was basically strength building, short but high intensity runs and a couple of marathons. This week-end we are planning our first very long run, around 50km.